every march we spend a week in mt. washington valley. we love this time of year in the white mountains. the bitter cold winter has usually subsided and gentle cool spring weather begins to settle in which is great for spending time outside. most years we even luck out and a fresh coat of snow covers the mountains. this year, however, the weather was unseasonably warm. we saw 60 degrees several days over the week. this is nice in theory but these conditions make for muddy icy trails. good thing we were prepared... well most of us. at the end of last season i purchased kingston the smallest micro spikes i could find at the trading post. i knew he would be spending more and more time out of his carrier in the upcoming year. he looked so cute in his boots and gear. Here is our road trip in photos.

he wanted to ride the elevator every night when we returned to the hotel asking what every button on the elevator panel is for each time. when keith explained "the help" button he asked "like when i need help picking up my toys?!" one of his least favorite things to do at home.
he would say his hellos to this little beaver carving everyday. he sang a song and played his guitar for his wood friend about how he saw his beaver den home and gave him a kiss on the nose to say goodbye as we waited for dad to pack the car. i was so funny and sweet.

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